This is Martha, a native speaker educator for KMY. She is from Hungary but we can understand her English perfectly well because her husband is an American. She jsut cover for our original trainer, Shawn, who still stuck with his imigration pnroblems.
In my opinion, she was quite strict and treated us like kids. She forbids us to talk among ourselves at all and forbid us to use handphone or lapton in class. It was not like we play it all the time! Evenmore, she devised so many activities in each section of the module,so it was quite weary and time consuming. She only managed to finish a module the the week. In positive note, the activites are applicable in classroom.

This is Gary, a Scottish. We like him. But he was dress in this black vest and white long sleeve and black trousers the same as the hotel waitress. Maybe a fashion downfall for us but he was unpurtubed.

This is Henry, a South African. His accent is difficult to understand. He was energetic. The picture was taken when he was role playing having a telephone conversation with my fellow coursemate.
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