Saturday, April 5, 2014

Panduan Perkembangan Pembelajaran Murid

Source : Google

Panduan Perkembangan Pembelajaran Murid (PPPM) is now used to replaced the previous Dokumen Standard Prestasi (DSP) for Form 1,2 and 3.

Teachers will need  to assess pupils learning progress based on the new guideline which is found in PPPM.

To find and download PPPM, please click the link below:

Form 3      English

Form 2      English

Form 1      English

Well, I just browse through these documents. There are changes in assessing the students as they will be asses by their skills - listening, reading and writing from band 1 to band 6.

The abrupt changes make sense as some students are more prone to certain skills only but I surely be more confident and happy if the JUs summon us and give some guidelines as well.

I still waiting eagerly for any news regarding the format of the PPMR English paper but no news until today. Sigh..

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