Friday, November 13, 2015

request free sample again

nestle fb

request sample again (because can not concentrate 1/2 hour marking PT2 papers, but spending  2 4 hours making request, SIGH). - updated  continue 2 hours in the evening...

from this nestle fb, I managed to request 1 LactoKid and 2 Lactogen only. The others they have detected my ic no. Furthermore, there were limitation of quantity of the sample. 

3. kleenax - the tissue

4. sustagen

5. s26 pe gold

6. dumex
ive request for naufal n myself too. 

7. libressse - the pantyliner (actually I requested 2 times, if I get 2 samples it means the sample are unlimited, horray)

8. anmum
requested anmum essential honey and anmum lacta

9. karihome (susu kambing)

10. enfagrow A+

11. tena (pampers dewasa)

12. frisogold

13. kotex ( now the free sample consist 2 pcs kotex overnight wings and 2 pcs kotex fresh regular daun sireh scented)

14. Laurier (2 pcs pads and 1 pantyliner)

in the end, force myself to stop. i am more than happy to spend more time on the net, but have to uit to mark the paper while my kids asleep.. so long. hopefully will get most of the free sample that i requested, so fingers crossed.


  1. sekali sekala release kan otak dari ngadap paper kan.... sama la kita suka gak req sample free ni hihihihi

    1. kan.. dah addicted pula rasa... tapi dah x tau nak apply apa lagi...
