Friday, November 7, 2014

request free sample again

During my weekend at my hometown I have nothing to do. The kids are sleeping, my mom is away at neighbouring village to 'kacau bubur asyura', my father is at his field, so armed with a laptop and Wifi, I start my sample hunting again.

Just google malaysia freebies or malaysia sample, boom, there are tonnes of choices there.

below are the few items that I requested.

i haven't try this product.

I have received my first sample months ago. 

Naufal is turning 6 months next months. I always prepared my kids solid food but if it a free sample, better I grab it..

a femine wash.

once i have request for s26 and recieved it for nurin, they did not offer sample for baby below 1 year so request the enarcal plus - the milk or natural supplement for adult.

fisrtly you have to join to be a member, then you could apply for the free sample.
the last time i joined and request for sample, i got two soft toys and free dumex mamil sachets.

a sanitary pad sample

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