Friday, November 14, 2014

Best toddler activities websites

Here are two education and fun websites that offers huge activities, free printables and ideas. These are my future references.

I have been exploded by magnificent amount of ideas and can't wait to try it to my kids.

Label sticker percuma

Semasa sedang melayari internet untuk mencari aktiviti untuk Nurin, saya terjumpa satu website ni yang menawarkan label percuma. Kita cuma download pdf dan isi template label yang tersedia dengan nama kita. Sangat berguna kalau nak label barang dan alat tulis.

Jadi saya save di sini untuk kegunaan masa depan. 

nanti bila saya dah print dan label alat tulis saya, saya blog kat sini ya.

Toddler activities

Here are the activities that I took from this website as my guide.I will try to record as much activities that I could that I will done with Nurin (turning 3 yrs old this upcoming Dec).

1) Dump and Put:

Toddlers love to dump bins of toys all over the floor, but they love to 'put' things in containers as well. Why not make a game of it? 

I store toys separated by 'type' in fabric bins so that they are easy to locate when my son wants to play with them, and easy to put away when he is done. I also started having him learn to put things away when he could sit up and put toys in containers. He had one bin and a few toys that were his responsibility and he liked putting them back in the box. Of course, sometimes he would dump them back out, but it was the practice that counted! 

nurin's learning and play

Toddler Games & Activities

I am searhing for Naufal homemade puree guides as I need to refresh my skill in pureeing. I love to puree Nurin's food and love to do so for my son.

Then, I googled for information about homemade solid food. I stumbled into a blog Shehanz Studios , you can view the blog here

By the way, I found the info about solid food, but in addition I found her blogging about her educational activities with her toddlers. Whoa, I felt so left behind. Yes, I have done some reading session with Nurin and playing and counting with her, but coloring? art? language? maths?.. No...

So, starting today, I will take more responsible to teach her at home and learning in fun way. Hopefully have a free time blogging about it too. So, I started googling for more information.

nak barang free?

klik sini untuk ke laman web tersebut.

Hari ni nak share satu laman web yang membolehkan kita mendapat barang penjagaan diri dan make up dengan percuma. 

Mula-mula sekali kita kena mendaftar dulu kemudian klik lah pada bahagian freebies tu. kita kena masukkan kod abjad tu dan kalau terpilih kita akan dihantar dengan barang yang kita pilih tu. Barang penjagaan dan make up tu selalu bertukar dan saya selalu mohon setiap hari jika berkelapangan. Tapi kita hanya boleh memohon sekali sahaja sehari dan tiada barang secara percuma pada setiap hujung minggu. 

Jika terpilih untuk menang, barang tersebut akan dihantar ke alamat kita. Best kan.. Cubalah..

Friday, November 7, 2014

request free sample again

During my weekend at my hometown I have nothing to do. The kids are sleeping, my mom is away at neighbouring village to 'kacau bubur asyura', my father is at his field, so armed with a laptop and Wifi, I start my sample hunting again.

Just google malaysia freebies or malaysia sample, boom, there are tonnes of choices there.

below are the few items that I requested.

i haven't try this product.

I have received my first sample months ago. 

Naufal is turning 6 months next months. I always prepared my kids solid food but if it a free sample, better I grab it..

a femine wash.

once i have request for s26 and recieved it for nurin, they did not offer sample for baby below 1 year so request the enarcal plus - the milk or natural supplement for adult.

fisrtly you have to join to be a member, then you could apply for the free sample.
the last time i joined and request for sample, i got two soft toys and free dumex mamil sachets.

a sanitary pad sample