Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Going back?

Last night my husband got a call from his mom. Actually they asked us to consider moving back to kampung and be near to them. They were not forcing us but repeatedly saying the same lines over and over again. So my husband and I have a little chat, still there was no decision because we know this kind of decision can not be taken lightly.

My husband is the eldest in his family. My in laws are around their sixthy and fifthy. My parents are around seventy. Yes I know we could cherish and take care of them while they are still alive. That is one main reason.

The other positive side is that I can built our new house in kg with the design that I want but with less money. Surely it will be a cute little house with a room to accomodate all my sewing machines and loaded of fabrics..
Heaven..And a big kitchen that I always dream about.

Moving back to kampung is not really in a rural area. Both of our family just live about 25 minutes apart. So we can settle in the middle or at anywhere which will be near enough for both families. Nearby town is fast growing in Jitra too now there is a cineplex, bowling centre and a tesco under construction. Well, moreover there will be a lot of fabric shops to quench my desire for fabric hunting.

Still there are a lots to consider.

My husband's job will only place him at Anak Bukit or Kangar. I will be teaching anywhere. Maybe I will apply for Kubang Pasu or Kota Setar. However, I love my school right now.

I just bought our house that we currently live in 2011. We have  renovated it by adding a balcony,  building a bigger gate n front fence, add awning for the whole porch area n cemented it and cemented the back of the house too. In few years, the rambutans, cermai, dokong and kelapa pandan will be in bounty. There are different varieties of bananas too which already have produce bunch of bananas a few times. Lock in period of the house loan is 5 years so maybe we have to rent out first.

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