Monday, February 17, 2014

PBS Instrument English Form 3 Band 2

These are my instruments for Band 2 Form 3 English.

B2 DL1 E1- talk about experience
There is no handout for this instrument as I just instruct my students to bring one of their favourite item (a topic of one's choice in the DSP) to class and present to their friends about it. You can view the pictures of my students while presenting here.

B2 DB1 E1 - word formation prefixes and suffixes
I adjusted the questions to suit my students. The original is from syedshahrol's blog that I have mentioned in Band 1.

B2 DT1 E1 - elaborate notes
 I used this page from the textbook and ask my students to write about a biography of Tun Abdul Razak in their exercise book. Refer to textbook page 25. Topic 2 Heroes Near and Far.

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