Monday, August 22, 2022

Automated lesson plan for Form 1,2,3,4,5 TS25 template

Hi, I'm starting this year post with sharing of my school RPH / lesson plan template. My school is a TS25 school, so we must abide by a few changes from the previous version of LP that I've shared here few years back.

Still , I'm doing in the best way - the automated drop down menu!

If you are interested to download, here I share with you automated lesson plan for FORM 1,2,3,4,5 in TS template. If your school not a TS school, you can edit it and just take the automated content and learning standards which are different for each form.


Intro 2022

Bismillahirahmanirahim and Assalamualaikum

It's been a long time since the last time I've uploaded any thing in this blog. Do blog still relevant in this era of TikTok and Insta?

 I do feel I still need blog because I'm a shy person. The hinderance just blog writing too time consuming as well.

So let just hope amidst mountainous workload I've the diligence to share in here.