When I'm writing this, the clock has shown 10.55pm. Only 65 minutes more to 2014. Reflecting this 2013, I'm very sure that I've a roller coaster of emotions throughout the year, but I think that mould me into what I am now.
I love being a wife. Though we have some disagreement quite a few times, I preserved happy memories and being grateful having a such a wonderful husband and family. I promised not to sulk easily and be more tolerable towards him. Having a second child on the way, make us very excited and bond us more now.
Being a mother such a wonderful journey to me. We to wait for almost 2 and half years before we were granted our first child and endured all the smirks and questions about when we are having a baby. Now I enjoyed spending time with my baby who turned 2 years last 19 Dec, the same day with her Dad. It saved time and money to spend on birthday party too. Isn't it awesome?
I am a teacher. Though I'm quite sad that 4 of my students did't get straight A's in PMR because they got Bs for English. On the bright side, I got 10 students who scored A in English even when they only scraped 4-6 A's only in their PMR.
Honestly, I am sidetracked. I am currently writing my lesson plans and searching for ideas in starting my first class tomorrow. So pen off now.
Welcome 2014, hopefully I will become a better person next year.